
Hotels & Resorts

Use the search engine provided to search for hotels and resorts worldwide. All payments are processed directly through booking.com.

Booking.com, connects travelers with the world’s largest selection of incredible places to stay – everything from apartments, vacation homes, B&Bs, to 5-star luxury resorts, tree houses, and even igloos; offering accommodations in 230 destinations and territories worldwide.

Be sure when in the process of searching or making a reservation that it’s set to your currency of choice if viewing on your desktop/laptop. When on your smart phone, it will auto-detect your currency based on your currnent location. Whether you decide to travel for leisure or for business, you can instantly book your ideal accommodations quickly and easily with Booking.com. There are no booking fees and you’re backed by their promise to price match. Booking.com has 24/7 assistance and support in over 40 languages, anytime day or night. Also, as you book more hotels you will become a Booking.com Genius. This is their Loyalty program where you can receive additional discounts and perks.

Below we’re highlighting various hotels & resorts that we’ve partnered with to offer you exclusive membership rates and/or additional amenities. If you find something that is of interest simply call or click the “request a quote” button on your selected property and input your details. You will receive a response in a timely manner.

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