Trip Merchant Solo Travel Club!

Exciting news! Since we have seen an increased demand from our members for solo travel opportunities we are in the process of building our Solo Travel Club by Trip Merchant. We are developing a new travel website platform with more enhancements, one of which will be the full launch of our Solo Travel Club. We anticipate to begin the distribution our Solo Travel Club e-newsletters in 2021 as the world improves and more confidence is instilled to travel. Within the newsletter you will not only find the best solo deals and group opportunities, but you will also find travel tips and news articles related to solo travel. Subscribe now to ensure you don’t miss out!
With our Solo Travel Club we have the ability to match you up with other single travelers looking for a travel companion, to eliminate paying the single supplement and other benefits!
Please note: If you are already signed up to your associations’ e-newsletter please be aware you will receive that e-newsletter (2 times a month), and you will also receive this sporadically (1 time a month or more) depending on time sensitive offers available, once we commence fully with the Solo Travel Club e-newsletter in 2021.

Are your tired of paying the single supplement fees?

Do you want your own room but have the comfort of being with a group of people and have reduced, to no single supplement fees?

Do you want to find a travel companion?

If so, then sign up to the Solo Travel Club e-newsletter today!

Sign Up for the Solo Travel Club Below!

    Why Solo Travel?

    Single Supplement Waived
    Find A Travel Companion
    Group Travel
    Meet New Friends
    Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
    Rest Without Feeling Guilty
    Be Yourself
    Explore As You Wish