Why Trip Merchant Journeys - Group Departures?

Trip Merchant Journeys Group Departures are trips hosted by Trip Merchants’ Founders, Ryan Mikucki & Tom MacLean. In some cases, when it’s a destination we’ve previously hosted, we will have a Trip Merchant representative in place. The focus of our Trip Merchant Journeys Group Departures is to experience the destination first hand, live and breathe it, before organizing the best possible itinerary for those who wish to join us. Our goal is to accommodate the best pricing and provide unique travel experiences. 
If you’re a single traveler and looking to share, let us know and we will do our best to match you up accordingly. On every group departure listed there will be a request form and a field to advise us if you’re a single looking to find a travel companion.
We have two divisions within our Trip Merchant Journeys brand: Group Departures & Private / Tailor Made. If any of these destinations are of interest and you wish to have it packaged on an individual basis, please let us know. To learn more about our Trip Merchant Journeys – Private / Tailor Made division, click below:

Featured Trip Merchant Journeys - Group Departures

Benefits of a Trip Merchant Journeys Group Departure

Join the Founders / Trip Merchant Representative
We've Researched it & Experienced it!
Stress Free
Exclusive Perks
Travel with Like-Minded Individuals
Match Up With Other Single Travelers
Group Pricing
Flexible Deposit/Final Payment Policies